Collectors Corner From Southlake, Texas
Collectors Corner
I met John and Donna in 2015 when I exhibited in the Art in the Square show held at the Southlake Town Square in Southlake, Texas. Southlake is north of Dallas and Fort Worth, in between the two cities. Dallas is about a fifteen hour drive for me. I break the drive into two days. Twelve hours to Texarkana and then the final leg of three hours, the next day, and then I set up at the show and check into my hotel.
This show is usually held in the early spring. So it was my first outdoor show of the year. I usually change out the gear in my van for indoor shows and store the outdoor gear in the shed on my property. Then, when the outdoor shows start up, I change out the gear and load my outdoor equipment in the van. I remember getting to the venue in Texas and starting to set up. With growing horror, I discovered I had not packed my two main support beams for the tent for my booth! What a disaster!!
I scrambled to try to find a rental tent. Nope, nothing available, too late. Then I thought I could possibly try to find a pop up to buy locally to get through the weekend. I had no idea where to get one in a strange city.
Then the show director suggested that I ask around and see if anyone had a spare tent. So I started walking the aisles of the show as artists were setting up just asking if anyone had a spare tent. Much to my relief, someone said that they did! They had an extra pop up that they were not going to use that weekend! Whew! So wonderful of them to loan it to me, a complete stranger. Although, in our little vagabond, pop up, art village, no one is a stranger. Everyone chips in to help in a time of need when we are all so far from home and hearth.
Thankfully, I had my Propanel walls that would work with a pop up. I also use canvas walls that can only work with my Show Off brand tent. I have all kinds of configurations depending upon the show and the artwork. The Propanels are dark gray, hard walls and the canvas walls are white, stretched fabric so sometimes I prefer one type of wall over the other.
So, anyway, I got my booth set up and Donna and John bought a painting that weekend. Then, subsequently, they bought several more during my online art launches. They ended up buying all four seasons and rotate them in and out according to the season.
Donna recently sent me pictures of the current, summertime, installation.

I just love this arrangement with the side board and western art! The painting, table runner, and lively plant add a splash of color and texture to go with the wood and metal pieces. I’m gaga for the mint green walls!
Here’s a close up of the painting in situ.

Thank you Donna for sending me these photos! I love seeing where and how the paintings are hung and I am sure other people enjoy seeing the photos, too.
If you have one or more of my paintings, please send me photos of where you ended up hanging the artwork so I can share with others.
Thanks so much!
Many blessings and happy trails,