Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Magic Lilies by the Goldfish Pool Code #010416 S 12x12

We got 4 1/2" of snow last night!  So it is a pleasure to tuck into the studio and work on lovely flowers and dream of spring.

Magic Lilies, also known as Surprise Lilies, magically appear in late summer after their green leaves have died back. In this blog I am including shots of my palette as the painting progresses.  I have a very simple palette of primary colors that I usually lay out in this order.  In this BLOG I have explained exactly what colors I use and how I lay them out.

I start by sketching the basic lay out of the painting with Cerulean Blue and Magenta with my brush dipped in cold pressed linseed oil. 

I use palette knives to start mixing the colors using basic Red, Blue, and Yellow primary colors.  The darkest green is mixed from Ultramarine Blue and Cadmium Yellow Light plus a little Cadmium Red Medium.

For the Magic Lilies, I use the Primary Red-Magenta plus a little bit of Titanium White.  The earth colors are mixed with Cadmium Red Medium and Light, Ultramarine Blue, and Cadmium Yellow Light.

For the Ironweed, I use add more Blue to the Magic Lily mix - either Ultramarine or Cerulean.  


I mix the lighter, brighter greens with Cerulean Blue and Cadmium Yellow Light plus Titanium White.  I use more blue in the background greens and more yellow in the foreground greens.

My mixing palette evolves with the paint as I work.  I mix the paint as I work and generally use all that I mix, working over the entire surface at the same time.

The sky color is mixed from Titanium White and Cerulean Blue.  I also paint it into the water at the same time.

I've added branches and stems with a rubber tipped implement and the edge of the palette knives.  Here is my palette as the painting nears completion.

The finished painting, "Magic Lilies by the Goldfish Pool", oil on panel, 12" x 12", Inventory Code #010416 S 12x12


  1. Wow - beautiful! You've inspired me to pull out my palette knife, but it's been so long since I've used it... Will give it a try. Thanks!

  2. Thanks, Chris! Yes, I love the palette knife! The colors stay so crisp and clean. And I love mixing the colors with the palette knife. I think much easier than with brushes.
